Monday, September 14, 2015

Taco Salad

 You know what? I LOVE Mexican food. Love it.  I would eat it every single day, if I could.  

For the sake of my family, who may get bored, I refrain.  Alas . . . the struggle is real. 

Another super quick meal, for those busy nights: Taco Salad
(this recipe is more of a throw it all together recipe, then one with specific measurements. Just do what looks good to you!)

Taco Salad

Make a giant normal salad:
mushrooms(fresh, no canned)
green onions
any other veggies you want

For the sauce: 
A can of red kidney beans, drained and rinsed.
~1/2 cup of salsa 
ground beef, cooked and cooled 
8 oz. can of tomato sauce 

My five year old's plate: 

Serve the sauce on top of the salad, with tortilla chips on the side. Or on top of the chips. Whatever makes ya happy. 


*Why are all these pictures out of focus? I have no idea, but probably the same reason we ate on paper plates that night and also why I made taco salad in the first place! A busy, hectic night! #aintnobodygottimeforthat

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